Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gringuisimo Play

After six years of hibernation, I made my grand return to the stage on Monday. I played the grumpy old water bottle in the Peace Corps drama La vida de la basura "The Life of Garbage." It is a short, educational drama focusing on the differences between organic/inorganic garbage and the importance of recycling. The play features different pieces of garbage discussing how they feel about being thrown away by humans. My character is the antagonist. Turned bitter over 80 years of sitting by the side of the road with nothing to do, he has pledged to take vengeance on humanity by spreading illnesses like dengue, diarrhea, and amoebas. Here is the first scene of La vida de la basura:

In the second act, the Peace Corps Volunteer separates all of the trash and takes the recyclable pieces to the recycling center. The grumpy old piece of plastic is the first to go through the recycling center and he emerges as a shiny new plastic cup....and scene. The play ends and hopefully the kids learned a little about trash management. Unfortunately we don't have the second act on video, but it was a hit with the students.

1 comment:

  1. You have not lost your touch in the six year hiaitus! I loved this video and the message is extremely important since the entire country is filled with litter! Wish act II was available... o well one is better than none. :-)
